Journal Updates


Peginterferon-alfa mono-therapy in the treatment of acute hepatitis C in HIV-infection
Seroprevalence of celiac disease in patients with autoimmune hepatitis
Points to be considered when applying FibroScan S probe in children with biliary atresia
Noninvasive markers in the assessment and management of autoimmune liver diseases
Serum mitochondrial biomarkers and damage-associated molecular patterns are higher in acetaminophen overdose patients with...


ACG Clinical Guideline: The Diagnosis and Management of Focal Liver Lesions
Liver transplantation in the management of porphyria


Liver enzyme elevations within 3 months of diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease and likelihood of liver disease
Cirrhosis but not neutropenia is associated with the development of infection in patients with chronic hepatitis C...
Acquired atopic disease after liver transplantation in children; similarities to and differences from adults: a preliminary...
Development and validation of the pediatric liver transplantation quality of life: a disease-specific quality of life...
Effect of menarche onset on the clinical course in females with chronic hepatitis B virus infection
Liver transplantation in the management of porphyria.
Budd-Chiari syndrome in children: clinical features, percutaneous radiological intervention, and outcome.
An elevated neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio is associated with adverse outcomes following single time-point paracetamol (...
Medical status of 219 children with Biliary Atresia surviving long-term with their native livers: results from a North...


Ending vertical transmission of hepatitis B: The third trimester intervention
Spleen stiffness measurement by transient elastography to diagnose portal hypertension in children
Outcomes of endoscopic human thrombin injection in the management of gastric varices
Hepatic encephalopathy in chronic liver disease: 2014 Practice Guideline by the American Association for the Study Of Liver...

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