Journal Updates


Effects of Probiotics on Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Obese Children and Adolescents
Portal hypertension in children: High-risk varices, primary prophylaxis and consequences of bleeding


Five-year histological and serological follow-up of operationally tolerant pediatric liver transplant recipients enrolled in...
Hospitalizations for Respiratory Syncytial Virus and Vaccine-Preventable Infections in the First 2 Years After Pediatric...
Gut microbiota profiling of pediatric nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and obese patients unveiled by an integrated meta-...
Lactate and Lactate: Pyruvate Ratio in the Diagnosis and Outcomes of Pediatric Acute Liver Failure
NASPGHAN Clinical Practice Guideline for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Nonalcoholic Fatty LiverDisease in Children:...
Prevalence, Clinical Profile, and Outcome of Ascitic Fluid Infection in Children With Liver Disease


Congenital Vascular Malformations of the Liver: An Association With Trisomy 21.
Ultrasound-Guided Liver Biopsy With Gelatin Sponge Pledget Tract Embolization in Infants Weighing Less Than 10 kg.
Analysis of surgical interruption of the enterohepatic circulation as a treatment for pediatric cholestasis
Tacrolimus Predose Concentration Is Associated With Hypertension in Pediatric Liver Transplant Recipients.
Variants in the autophagy-related gene IRGM confer susceptibility to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease by modulating...
The Natural History of Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis in Children: A Large Single-Center Longitudinal Cohort Study.
Complications of Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography in Pediatric Patients; A Systematic Literature Review and...
In Children With Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, Cysteamine Bitartrate Delayed Release Improves Liver Enzymes but Does Not...
Study of Carnitine/Acylcarnitine and Amino acid Profile in children and adults with Acute Liver Failure
Malnutrition-associated liver steatosis and ATP depletion is caused by peroxisomal and mitochondrial dysfunction.
Oral Tocofersolan Corrects or Prevents Vitamin E Deficiency in Children With Chronic Cholestasis


NASPGHAN Clinical Practice Guideline for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Children

CLF Intro movie

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