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Transplant-free Survival in Chronic Liver Disease Presenting as Acute Liver Failure in Childhood
Quality of Life in Patients with Progressive Familial Intrahepatic Cholestasis: No Difference between Post Liver...
Hepatic steatosis is highly prevalent across the paediatric age spectrum, including in pre-school age children
Persistence of Sarcopenia After Pediatric Liver Transplantation Is Associated With Poorer Growth and Recurrent Hospital...
Dyslipidemia and Fatty Liver Disease in Overweight and Obese Children
Liver intravoxel incoherent motion diffusion-weighted imaging for the assessment of hepatic steatosis and fibrosis in...


Mitogen-activated protein kinase eight polymorphisms are associated with immune responsiveness to HBV vaccinations in...
Doppler assessment of children with liver cirrhosis and portal hypertension in comparison with a healthy control group: An...
The Experiences of Young Liver Patients Transferring From Children's to Adult Services and Their Support Needs for a...
Liver transplant score for prediction of biliary atresia patients' survival following Kasai procedure
Prevalence of celiac disease among pediatric patients with cryptogenic cirrhosis and effect of gluten-free-diet
The rate of hepatic artery complications is higher in pediatric liver transplant recipients with metabolic liver diseases...


Clinical and biochemical characteristics of infants with prolonged neonatal jaundice
Seroprevalence of Hepatitis B among HIV-infected Children and Adolescents Receiving Antiretroviral Therapy in the TREAT Asia...
Effects of plasma transfusions on antithrombin levels after paediatric liver transplantation
Hepatitis B seroprevalence among 5 to 6 years old children in the Philippines born prior to routine hepatitis B vaccination...
Immune monitoring after pediatric liver transplantation - the prospective ChilSFree cohort study
Autoimmune hepatitis in 828 Brazilian children and adolescents: clinical and laboratory findings, histological profile,...
Alanine Aminotransferase as a Monitoring Biomarker in Children with Nonalcoholic Fatty LiverDisease: A Secondary Analysis...
Analysis of a school-based health education model to prevent opisthorchiasis and cholangiocarcinoma in primary school...

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